Hearts of iron black ice
Hearts of iron black ice

  • Into network= The amount of supply deployed to qualified IC.
  • The tooltips for the national stockpile on the top of the screen are:.
  • hearts of iron black ice

    While fuel is automatically converted its deployment follows the same rules as supply. Please note overseas IC do not deploy supply, but they can be applied to the production of supply. The amount each IC receives is based upon supplies produced divided by the unmodified number of ICs receiving supplies. That value on the next day at 00:00 will deploy to all IC provinces meeting all the following conditions: 1) Is land connected to the capital, 2) Is Owned and Controlled, and 3) Is a Core province. When supply production is on in the production tab a tooltip on that slider will show how much supply you are producing. Cursor over it and you will receive all pertinent data for your national supply situation. It will be green for supply surplus and red for deficit. The information for your nation's overall supply is shown by a tooltip at the top of the map. This will also give you supply requested and received, plus the current amount of supply/fuel in the province. In supply map mode each province will show which stockpile they are supplied from e.g., Rostock would show as being supplied from Berlin. On the supply map these depots show as three gold crates. For overseas regions these are ports assigned by the AI.

    hearts of iron black ice

    Supply depots (aka "supply sources" or "supply centers") are a physical location on the map where all units for that landmass region will draw supply from.

  • 7 Research, Leaders and Ministers that effect supply use.

  • Hearts of iron black ice